11.00: Paved road commences. Runway material. Glorious cycling. Tail wind.
11.30: Turn off to El Chaltén. 70km of tarmac ahead. Road turns into wind.
11.45: Picnic of crackers, canned mussels, tomatoes, olives, peanuts and oranges
sheltered from the wind by a rock on the side of the road.
12.15: Resume cycling.
13.00: Manage 5km from the turn off. Ferocious head wind reduces pushing speed to 3kmph. Find a relatively sheltered hole beside the road and take refuge from the sand storm for the afternoon.Close encounter with armadillo and scorpion.
15.00: Two European cyclists freewheel past in the opposite direction at 30kmph. How bad do we want to go to El Chaltén?
19.00: Roll out sleeping bags and sleep.
01.00: Wake up to beautiful full moon and starlit sky. Picnic of sardines, crackers, pickles and apples.
02.00: On the road again.
03.00: 7km later, wind is still unbearable. Find another hole and roll out the sleeping bags again.
07.30: Wake up to a sun kissed landscape framed with a perfect rainbow. Fresh snow on surrounding mountains. Enjoy and ponder.
07.33: Dream is quickly ended with rain dampening our spirits. Quick pack and back on the bikes with a further 58km of asphalt and 14km of gravel to complete, against the wind, before nightfall!